Loader function in AS3

please help!!!
OK so I’m learning AS3 and I’m trying to load 2 different swf files into seperate movie clips on the stage… but i can only get one to load… is there a special command to use, or am i doing something else wrong??.. after reading the help file says i can only have one addchild for a loader… can anyone help me write the code to get 2 swfs into 2 seperate movie clips??? Thank you all so much and Happy New Year…

Here’s the code i have so far;

var topMenuLocation:String = "../../../menus/topMenu.swf";
//var topMenuLocation:String = "root.menus/topMenu.swf";
var botMenuLocation:String = "../../../menus/bottomMenu.swf";
//var topMenuLocation:String = "root.menus/bottomMenu.swf";
var topMenuLoader:Loader;
var botMenuLoader:Loader;


function loadTopMenu(url:String):void 
    // Set properties on my Loader object
    topMenuLoader = new Loader();
    topMenuLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));

function loadBotMenu(url:String):void 
    // Set properties on my Loader object
    botMenuLoader = new Loader();
    botMenuLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));

Only one of the swfs (topMenu) loads up
Thanks again so much