Like most people who are new to as3 I’m finding some of the things I found straight-forward in as2 a trifle baffling.
Due to inheriting a website written in as2 and wanting to utilise the new spectrum analyzer of as3 I have created a ‘holder’ flash file called holderShape.fla that can be used to load two different movies into it.
The code I’m using appears to work perfectly when I test the movie, however when uploaded to my isp the second loaded movie isn’t following on and playing after the first has finished.
I have attached three test files, the ‘holder’ [as3] and the two loaded movies [both as2], that contain the code and structure that my actual files do so that you helpful people can hopefully see where I’m going wrong.
But basically I have two keyframes in the ‘holder’ flash file over three layers. A frame labels layer, an actions layer and the content layer where I keep blank movie clips to load the external swf’s into.
The code on the first key frame is:
var loadit = new Loader();
loadit.load(new URLRequest(“introCircle.swf”));
And on the second:
var loadit2 = new Loader();
loadit2.load(new URLRequest(“mainSquare.swf”));
In the movie introCircle (the first loaded movie) I have code on the last frame:
which tells the ‘host’ flash file to move to the second keyframe and ergo the second loaded movie.
please help!