Loader heavier then actual fla

well i’ve had great success so far but here’s a question…

when i create my flash minipages i notice something… the loader component that i dloaded from you guys is heavier in size then the actual animation…

when i test my movie, the preloader fram is 32k and the 2nd frame with all the stuff i have to view is a whopping 4k, so how is the preloader gonna show if it has to load 32k for the preloader and then 4k for the movie? Any way to keep my preloader at a smaller k-size??

Which preloader are you using?

I’ve found a component one that is about 4K. But to be honest, if your entire movie is only 4K then there’s no real point putting a preloader on it, you’ll just take up space for no real reason. :slight_smile:

i used the preloader with progress bar and bytesloaded info off of the kirupa advanced tutorials.

i threw out the preloader too i was pretty much like forget this, but about that 4k preloader, where can i get it?