Loader not loading

Hi all,
I’m sure this a real noob question but I can’t seem to get this to work. I’m just trying to load an image I know that the variable img_path is being set correctly because of the trace statements, and LittleSnitch tells me that it is connecting to google. but the image will not display.

my class

package com.fieldsofcorn.loaders {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    public class LoadImage extends MovieClip {
        private var img_path:String;
        public function LoadImage(path) {
            this.img_path = path;
        } // end constructor
        public function init():void {
            var loader:Loader = new Loader();
            loader.load(new URLRequest(this.img_path));
        } // end init
    }// end class
} // end package

and this is in the first frame of my movie:

import com.fieldsofcorn.loaders.LoadImage
var img:LoadImage = new LoadImage("http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif");

Any help would be great. My first AS3 project.