Hi everyone,
I’m new here! I’m a complete newbie using ActionScript for a class I’m taking online (not my choice to have it online, unfortunately). My instructor isn’t much help to me and I am struggling. I am a beginner Flash user so know a little about that program but it’s the AS I’m struggling with.
I’m hoping some experts can help me out because I have spent the last 8 hours trying to get the Loader function to work for me. I’m going to attach my code and if someone could PLEASE tell me where the code should go and what I’m doing wrong, I will give you my first born. lol
I am creating a simulation that contains an octopus in a bath tub for the main image. I’m trying to get the octopus to load on my stage using the code my instructor has given me:
var somePictLdr:Loader = new Loader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“octopus.jpg”); [COLOR=green]<–this is the name of the jpg I have. I’m on a Mac and the entire folder with all of my stuff is on my desktop named ‘bath2’. Inside this folder, you will find my image.[/COLOR]
He told me this should be a new function so that your old code is not affected. ie use public function after the “bath2” function. I added another function but all I get is a blank screen.
Can someone please help me? I’m a 32 y/o college student who’s spent 8 hours working on this but getting nowhere. My instructor just says ‘add this’ but doesn’t say where and I’m a very visual person so that doesn’t help!
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
public class bath2 extends MovieClip {
var textDisplay:TextField;
var bblue_bomb = new blue_bomb();
var byellow_bomb = new yellow_bomb();
var bgreen_bomb = new green_bomb();
var borange_bomb = new orange_bomb();
var bpurple_bomb = new purple_bomb();
var bpink_bomb = new pink_bomb();
// this is animation stuff
private var speedx, speedy:Number; //current speed, pixels per second
private var lastTime:int; //remember the last frame's time
var bubble:Array = new Array();//holds color for array
public function bath2() {
bblue_bomb.x = 346.3;
bblue_bomb.y = 134.2;
byellow_bomb.x = 398.9;
byellow_bomb.y = 164.3;
bgreen_bomb.x = 367.8;
bgreen_bomb.y = 285.0;
borange_bomb.x = 202.4;
borange_bomb.y = 272.2;
bpurple_bomb.x = 140.5;
bpurple_bomb.y = 257.2;
bpink_bomb.x = 146.3;
bpink_bomb.y = 152.1;
//fill bubble array
bubble = ["blue","green","orange","magenta","purple","yellow"];
textDisplay = new TextField();
textDisplay.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Porky's",23);
textDisplay.x = 15;
textDisplay.y = 25;
textDisplay.width = 600;
textDisplay.height = 200;
textDisplay.textColor = 663399;
textDisplay.selectable = false;
textDisplay.text = "Click the first letter of the color!";
//trace("Text: " + textDisplay.text);//debug line
stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, pressKey);
} // end of bath2
public function bath2() {
var somePictLdr:Loader = new Loader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("octopus.jpg");
public function pressKey(event:KeyboardEvent) {
var charPressed:String = (String.fromCharCode (event.charCode));
var foundLetter:Boolean = false;
for (var i:int=0; i<bubble.length; i++) {
if (bubble*.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == charPressed)
//trace("Key Pressed:" + charPressed);//debug line
if (charPressed == "b")
for (var j:int=0; j<50;j++)
var bubble_Blue:blue_bubble = new blue_bubble();
bubble_Blue.x = Math.random()*600;
bubble_Blue.y = Math.random()*800;
} // end for..loop
if (charPressed =="g")
for (var k:int=0; k<50;k++)
var bubble_Green:green_bubble = new green_bubble();
bubble_Green.x = Math.random()*600;
bubble_Green.y = Math.random()*800;
if (charPressed =="p")
for (var l:int=0; l<50;l++)
var bubble_Purple:purple_bubble = new purple_bubble();
bubble_Purple.x = Math.random()*600;
bubble_Purple.y = Math.random()*800;
if (charPressed =="o")
for (var m:int=0; m<50;m++)
var bubble_Orange:orange_bubble = new orange_bubble();
bubble_Orange.x = Math.random()*600;
bubble_Orange.y = Math.random()*800;
if (charPressed =="y")
for (var n:int=0; n<50;n++)
var bubble_Yellow:yellow_bubble = new yellow_bubble();
bubble_Yellow.x = Math.random()*600;
bubble_Yellow.y = Math.random()*800;
} // end for..loop
if (charPressed =="m")
for (var p:int=0; p<50;p++)
var bubble_Pink:pink_bubble = new pink_bubble();
bubble_Pink.x = Math.random()*600
bubble_Pink.y = Math.random()*800;
textDisplay.text = bubble*;
foundLetter = true;
}// end if
} // end for..loop
} // end pressKey
public function animatedBubble (x,y,dx,dy)
//set location and speed
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
speedx = dx
speedy = dy;
lastTime = getTimer();
//move each frame
addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveObject);
}// end of animated bubble
public function moveObject(event:Event)
//get time passed
var timePassed:int = getTimer() - lastTime;
lastTime += timePassed;
//update position according to speed and time
this.x += speedx*timePassed/1000;
this.y += speedy*timePassed/1000;
//end of moveObject
} // end of class bath2
} // end of file
Thank you,