Loading a frame in _root and also loading an external movie problems

First of all, hello everyone and nice to meet you :slight_smile:

I have been hacking at a problem for a couple of days now and I am in need of help to solve it. Please excuse my noobishness, but I have a lot to learn when it comes to flash.

Here is my scenario:

I have my main movie (_root)
In the actions layer of my main movie I have:

this._lockroot = true;

I have a button that loads a new external movie at the end of which I want to load a particular frame in the main movie. I call this from the external movie:

on (release) {

Everything up to here works brilliantly…But my problem arises when I also try to load an external movie onto level 5 at the same time as I am instructing the main movie to play frame 610 from an external movie. I want the external movie to call frame 610 in main, and also load a new external movie on level 5 in the main movie. I have tried about every way of loading movies that I can think of but I can never get the external movie to load along with frame 610 of the main movie. I even tried _root.loadMovieNum(“myexternalmovie”,5) right after my first root call, like this:

on (release) {

Is that possible or do I have to approach this entirely differently? Thanks for any responses :slight_smile:

on (release) {
    loadMovieNum("C:/Programs/Website/LevelForge Templates/Q4lightTuta.swf", 5);

on (release) {

Ok, now I feel like a goon. The code above does exactly what I was trying to do LOL. Apparently I just had the order wrong. Here is the code I was trying to use and it was not working:

on (release) {

on (release) {
    loadMovieNum("C:/Programs/Website/LevelForge Templates/Q4lightTuta.swf", 5);

I guess the root call that I made overwrote anything beyond it since I was calling it from an external movie (that gets cleared when the root is called), so by putting it at the end it allowed me to use the loadMovieNum script from the external movie before the root call cleared it. Yeah give me the dope of the day award O.ob