First of all, hello everyone and nice to meet you
I have been hacking at a problem for a couple of days now and I am in need of help to solve it. Please excuse my noobishness, but I have a lot to learn when it comes to flash.
Here is my scenario:
I have my main movie (_root)
In the actions layer of my main movie I have:
this._lockroot = true;
I have a button that loads a new external movie at the end of which I want to load a particular frame in the main movie. I call this from the external movie:
on (release) {
Everything up to here works brilliantly…But my problem arises when I also try to load an external movie onto level 5 at the same time as I am instructing the main movie to play frame 610 from an external movie. I want the external movie to call frame 610 in main, and also load a new external movie on level 5 in the main movie. I have tried about every way of loading movies that I can think of but I can never get the external movie to load along with frame 610 of the main movie. I even tried _root.loadMovieNum(“myexternalmovie”,5) right after my first root call, like this:
on (release) {
Is that possible or do I have to approach this entirely differently? Thanks for any responses