Loading a swf into a scrolling window?

New at this forum… hope someone out there will be able to help me sort this out!!!.. :h:

I am desperately trying to figure out a way to load a swf into a scrolling window… and letting this scrolling window… well the vertical bar, adapt to the height of this swf!!!

Have almost given up!!! Is this even possible???

Anyone know of a Tutorial that could guide me in the right direction??? Or would be able to explain this for me, in plain english!???

Would be GREATLY appriciated!!! :slight_smile:

well, you can use the scrollpane component to load an mc from the library… that’ll scroll if your content is higher than the scrollpane you define…

i haven’t used the scrollpane in a while but i believe you give whatever mc you want to scroll in there a linkage id (probably have to export it to the first frame) then in the component properties for the scrollpane you name that linkage id as the source or whatever…

good luck