What I wan’t to do is load a .swf into an existing .swf to keep down loadtimes. I’ve placed the visual representation of the actuall loading on the external .swf so all I need is how to do “on click, load this here”. Example: http://www.hundsteg.se/kurser.html (Actuall website I need this for, I’m redesigning it)
I would copy the elements/AS from the website above but it doesn’t work. So obviously I’ve missed something. What I’ve got is quite simply:
loadMovie("my_path/my_swf.swf", "stageloader");
“stageloader” being the instance name of a movieclip on the _root containing a graphic at the size I want loaded loaded .swf’s to fit.
I remember following a tutorial when I did this the first time but I can’t find one that I can understand or follow to a working example. A link to a simple tutorial would be greatly appriciated if not another solution.