Loading data from text files and converting. (example included)

hi there,

i posted this on the flash 8 forum, but i now think it rather belongs in this category.

so anyway, i want to make a calendar using datechooser component. i already know how to write to the text file using php, and using listeners etc. but now i want to read from a text file.

my problem is that i dont know how to convert the variable in the file to a date for my calendar.

i would also like to know what the “add” means in the following script:

[SIZE=2]eventdetails = eval(‘e’ add emymonth add emyday add myyear);[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2]i have an example file attached, its like the one i posted in flash 8, but i forgot to add the text file (stupid me).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2]i hope you guys can help me, it shouldnt be to hard![/SIZE]
