Loading dynamic text in a scrollbar?

I did a search on the flash mx forum for a tutorial on how to create a text box which has a vertical scroll bar.

I have managed to find a tutorial on exactly what i want to do. It is called “Scrolling Dynamically Loaded Text”. However during the tutorial a scrollbar component is to be dragged on to the dynamic text box. The tutorial states that when the scrollbar component is dragged on to the dynamic text box, it resizes to fit the dynamic text box.

Now firstly i cannot find a scrollbar component. All i have is a scrollpane component. Is this the scrollbar component the tutorial is referring to? Secondly, when i drag the scrollpane component on to the dynamic text box, it does not resize? Unfortunately the source file brings up errors when i run it after downloading it.

I am using Flash MX 2004 7.0

I know i am following the tutorial correctly, but i do not have the scrollbar component?

Please can someone help me with this?

Thanks in advance.