Loading external CSS problem

Not sure if you guys can help, but I am having difficulty figuring out why the load exterenal css swf is loading, but retrieving an error message. The file by itself works beautifully but when I try to refer to it from inside a movie I get the javascript alert “Error loading CSS file!”.

Couple of important items to keep in mind in this case:

1.) The main movie is created in Swish
2.) The Load External CSS swf is created in Flash MX 2004.

I’m not having any difficulty loading the movie (sprite), I’m thinking it has something to do with loading the variables from the Flash created file.

You can check out the test file here: http://kevinwaldren.com/test.htm, click on Resume > View Resume.

Here’s the actionscript for the Flash File:

var format = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var path = “http://www.kevinwaldren.com/css/resume.css”;
format.onLoad = function(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
output.styleSheet = format;
myLoadVar = new LoadVars ();
myLoadVar.onLoad = function (success){
if (success == true) {
output.variable = “resume”
} else {
output.text = “Error loading CSS file!”;

Here’s the script from the main movie attached to the “View Resume” link:

on (press) {

The reason the path is absolute to the [color=#385863][color=black]scrolling_text_CSS.swf[/color] [/color]is because relative will not work.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

BTW: For those who are questioning why I’m using Swish, I was bred on Swish and am a newbie to Flash.