I am completely tearing my hair out over this one, and I really really would appreciate any help
I’m trying to load an order form into a swf I have made using an external txt file containing all the html coding for the form. I need to load it within a specific section of the swf, so have created a text box using the text tool. Also, as the form is larger than the space on the swf, I have made it dynamic text and used the scrollbar component.
Thanks Scotty, but if I understand that correctly, Flash only understands limited HTML commands so I would not be able to write an entire HTML based web form to flash unless it was attached as an external text file… but I just CANNOT get it to show up…
I can now get the HTML to load within the swf, but I can’t get the scrollbar component to work with it. I’ve set my text box as dynamic and everything is the same, but the HTML document won’t scroll like it would do if it were a normal text box…
I’ve just trying loading my own HTML document in the same way as the example, but it still won’t work… plain text is okay, but as soon as I try loading an HTML form, it just won’t show up…
flash won’t show a thing if it can’t parse the entire HTML page… any unknown tags will kill the loading… make sure you’ve enabled “display as HTML” in the dynamic textbox properties and that the HTML is really simple… the short answer? Flash can’t do forms, maybe next version will support the full range of HTML tags but right now… only about a dozen or so are supported