I want to create a dynamic text field and have a seperate text file outside of flash load into it. I know how to do that with the ‘loadvariable’ action. What I want to know is, is it possible to make that dynamic text field have a scroll bar on it when the text is being loaded from outside of flash?
No you cannot load HTML pages into Flash. They are 2 different entities. You can have Flash embedded in HTML, but not HTML embedded in Flash. About the only HTML you can have in flash is font formatting tags like bold, italics, underline, links (A HREF tags), etc. But you have to HTML enable your textbox for that as well.
You can’t load images and such inside the text box either. You can dynamically load images into a Flash file with AS, there is a tutorial somewhere on this site about loading techniques that shows you how to do that, but you can’t load it inside the text box.