Loading External Images = Anger + Pain!

Hi, I’m trying to load external swfs dynamically into empty movie clips from a list in a xml file.
Problem is that I want only one to appear at a time, while the others are paused. I also want to randomise which gets shown. I’ve got most of it to work but for some reason I cant turn off (using ._visible) the individual movies, so I’m thinking I have got multiple instances to begin with.

Can anyone please help?

Thanks greatly!

var x:XML = new XML();
x.ignoreWhite = true;

//array containing the location of swfs
var urls:Array = new Array();

//variable stating which is the current swf displayed
var current:Number = 0;
var randomNum:Number = 0;
var max:Number = 0;

//loads url from XML to array and loads first swf into holder clip on stage.
x.onLoad = function()
var swfs:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;
for(i=0; i<swfs.length; i++)
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“swf”+ i,i);
max = urls.length;
current = randomNum;

//loads XML
turnOn = function()
//this._visible = true;

loadImage = function()
this._visible = 0;

//triggers the next swf
nextSwf = function()
//this is where i will work out how to get the next one going… This function is called from within the individual swfs

//returns a random number between 0 and the total number of swfs in XML
randomise = function()
while (current == (i = random(max)))
i = random(max)
randomNum = i

Hi pete,

In the future, wrap your code in


Anyway, it looks like you’re not actually setting the visibility of the movie clip you’re loading. “this” within your loadImage function doesn’t reference the movie clip, if I’m not mistaken. To hide/stop the movie clip you loaded the swf into, you could use any of the following:

this["swf"+i]._visible = false;
delete this["swf"+i].;

Also, I think your randomize function is overly complex. You can simply use this:
randomNum = random(swfs.length);

In fact, that function might be returning the same number every time… I can’t really think straight about it right now, but make the first change and see if you have any problems, and then if you do, change your randomize function.

