Loading external swf problem

Hello all

I have an empty movieclip placed on the stage with an instance name of movieLoader. With this code on the second frame of the main movie ("the first frame is the preloader), i am having trouble getting the movieLoader to load my swf file after everything in my menuFadeIn function has been faded in.

I have taken everything to do with movieLoader out of the actions and here is the code that i hope someone can help me out with. Most of this code probably isnt relevant but i had to include just incase it is making a mistake.

// declares the alpha levels for the background and menu
background1._alpha = 0;
menu._alpha = 0;
logo._alpha = 0;
sideBar._alpha = 0;
tower._alpha = 0;

var lastSection;
//this code is for the menu buttons
MovieClip.prototype.over = function() {
//this code is for the menu buttons
MovieClip.prototype.out = function() {
//this code is for the menu buttons
MovieClip.prototype.releese = function() {
	this.enabled = false;
	eval(lastSection).enabled = true;
	_root.lastSection = this;

//now this fades in the background image and calls the menuFadeIn function when complete
background1.onEnterFrame = function() {
	if (background1._alpha<100) {
		background1._alpha = background1._alpha+2;
	} else {

//now this fades in the menu, and after this is faded in i want the movieLoader to load its movie
menuFadeIn = function () {
	tower.onEnterFrame = function() {
		if (tower._alpha<100) {
			tower._alpha = tower._alpha+10;
	menu.onEnterFrame = function() {
		if (menu._alpha<100) {
			menu._alpha = menu._alpha+10;
	sideBar.onEnterFrame = function() {
		if (sideBar._alpha<100) {
			sideBar._alpha = sideBar._alpha+10;
	logo.onEnterFrame = function() {
		if (logo._alpha<100) {
			logo._alpha = logo._alpha+10;


So again, i would like the movieLoader movieclip on the stage to load a movie when everything in the menuFadeIn() function has faded in (in other words full alpha levels).

