Preloader help with external swf.s

Let me start by saying I’ve looked at numerous tutorials and forum postings on several different forums and haven’t quite found what I needed.

I made a site with mx 2004 using the following tutorial:

I have a file called “main_content.swf”, with 2 empty movie clips. One of the clips is used to load an external movie called “menu.swf” (has menu buttons) and the other clip is used to load the .swf that corresponds to the selected menu button.

The first frame of “main_content.swf” contains the following:


Each button in the “menu.swf” has the following code:


or something similar.

I have a file called “load.swf” that is a preloader movie, that I want to play while “home.swf” is loading (as well as the other .swf’s that load when buttons are selected).

I tried this bit of code on the first frame of “main_content.swf”, but it didn’t work:


if (home.getBytesLoaded() == home.getBytesTotal() && home.getBytesTotal() > 4)

else if (home.getBytesLoaded() != home.getBytesTotal())

I’m thinking I may need to load my preloader movie in it’s own empty movie clip, but I’m not sure and I don’t think that is the whole problem. If my code was working I would see the preloader on top of my “home.swf” file b/c I loaded into the level above it (am I right here?) .

Anyway I want to use the preloader .swf before each external clip that loads.

Any suggestions?

.fla files:


Thanks in advance,