I am still on the same big project, if anyone read the post - but for a brief outline, its an induction program kind of like a media rich slideshow done in flash (AS3). It consists of 10 chapters / modules, each module is a SWF with its own class file. Each module loads external and embedded videos and also mp3 sound voice overs at run time.
Each module loads and works fine by itself, but now the problem comes in where I am trying to create a main container swf to load and unload each of the other 10 module swfs, sequentially (ie first load module 1 swf, then when module 1 swf is finished, unload it and load module 2 swf etc)
I have researched for days and realize that when loading external swfs that have their own class files, problems arise because the external swf makes references to stage but it does not have access to the stage yet and I need to use something like this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, whateverFunction) in the constructor of the external file, and "… the loaded content must be on the Display List BEFORE any code in it referencing ‘stage’ is executed. " as quoted from Barbara Kaskosz’s experiment on http://www.flashandmath.com/intermediate/swfload/index.html
After trying for days with this and other guides I found, I still have not been able to successfully apply it to my projects files. If anyone would be willing to take the time for me to send them some sample files maybe my container FLA and two of the smallest modules and have a look at what I’ve done I would be really appreciative.
TL;DR : I have a container swf with a single movieclip that will contain external swfs that will load one at a time. Each swf works fine by itself, but I get errors when compiling the container swf because (I assume via research) the container swf AND EACH external swf has its OWN class file. If you think you will be able to help me I can send you some of my work files.