Loading external swfs and dynamically fading them in and out

loading external swfs fade in fade out
ok i have a main movie im loading one swf then when i click a button want it that old swf to fade out and the new swf to fade in heres my code also how can i have a loadbar each time i load the external swfs does the loadbar have to be in the external swfs or on the main timeline
or can someone just point me to a tutorial tahnks

for the buton i have–
but.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 1);
_root.container.fadeOut = true;
_root.container = “loaded3.swf”
loadMovie(“loaded3.swf”, “container”);
container._x = 130 ;
container._y = 76 ;

on a blank frame i have–
but.onPress = function () {
if (fadeOut == true){
if (_alpha > 0){
_alpha -= 5
} else {
_alpha = 0
loadMovie (who, this)
fadeOut = false //this part to prevent the fadeout/load action from being repeated
but.onPress = function () {
function (out) {}
if (fadeIn == true){
if (_alpha < 100){
_alpha += 5
} else {
_alpha = 100
fadeIn = false