Loading external swfs...Directory path spaghetti!

Hi folks…I’ve hit a wall in trying to load external swfs into my main ‘container’ movie. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m not spelling out my directory paths correctly. Gosh…I hope I don’t “make spaghetti” out of explaining it. Here goes…

I’ve created two empty movie clips in my ‘container’ movie (“blank_mc2” for my ‘nav’ swf; “blank_mc” is for my content) using the following AS:

this.createEmptyMovieClip(“blank_mc”, 1);
with (blank_mc){
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“blank_mc2”, 2);
with (blank_mc2){
loadMovie(“home.swf”, blank_mc);
loadMovie(“nav.swf”, blank_mc2);

Each movie loads fine into my container movie. Here’s where I think I’m lost: In my “nav.swf” file, I have my nav buttons condensed into a movie clip on the main timeline…in other words, the buttons themselves do not reside on the main timeline. A movieclip containing the buttons resides on the main timeline.

On release, I want my buttons to unload whatever is residing in “blank_mc”, which resides in my ‘container’ movie (which would be “_parent”, right?), and load a new movie into this same “blank_mc”.

Here’s the code I have attached to one of my buttons:

on (release) {
loadMovie(“about.swf”, blank_mc._parent);


This isn’t working…and I suspect it’s because my buttons are nested in a movie clip. I suspect if I moved my buttons to the main timeline, it would probably work. But I have other reasons for not doing this.

Is there some additional variable I should be attaching to “blank_mc._parent”? Is this even possible?

Appreciate any help. I hope I didn’t further complicate the matter in trying to explain it. Thanks in advance!
