Loading Guestbook inside Main Swf file problem

I have created a guestbook that is not working on my website. Here’s the scoop. When you go to the site, it loads the index.swf movie. Inside that index.swf I load all my other .swf files to a movie clip as a places holder. So, when you click on my Guest Book link (which is located on my index.swf) I tell flash to loadMovie(“dguestbook.swf”, PlaceHolder); Inside that guest_book.swf I have a frame action calling my GuestBook.php, which takes all the information inputed into my input fields, sends them to an external .txt file and then displays the information in a dynamic text field on my guest_book.swf. When you view the guest_book.swf by itself, everything works great. When you view it inside the index.swf, its not working. Does flash have trouble working with php files if the swf is being loaded into another swf? If you go to http://www.santhosh.com/site/index.html you can see what I am trying to get at. You will see that guestbook does nothing. However, if you go to http://www.santhosh.com/site/dguestbook.swf you will see what I was going for. Any help would be great.