Loading movie clips on (release)

so yeah… i can’t seem to get this one to work, i searched the forums but couldn’t find anything so im jus gonna ask.

I just want a load a certain movie clip on the press of a button, i’ve tried a few experimental scripts on my own but can’t seem to get anything to work… can anyone help?



hope this helps =)

hmm… tried that and i got this error msg:

Error opening URL “file:///C|/WINDOWS/TEMP/test.swf”

i just made a little test .fla… made a button with this action on it

on (release) {

i just made some static text and put it in a movie clip with instance name “test”, and faded it in.

if i dont want the movie clip to show up at all before i hit the button would i just use a _visible = false / _visible = true type of thing or…??

You’re confusing movie clip and movie.

loadMovie will load a whole movie, that is to say a compiled fla. Now if you want to work with movie clips, _visible is a good idea.

pom :cowboy:

yeh ok…i thought that .swf was a little fishy, just didn’t seem right.

there’s gotta be a way to just play a certain mc on the press of a button =/… anyone??

put a stop action in the first frame of the mc you want to play (make the frame blank so nothing shows)


you can replace play with gotoAndPlay if you’d like … that way you can specify a frame number

i hope this helps

ahh thanx dood…i knew there had to be an easy way to do this that i was just overlooking ;p

anytime =)