Loading Movie "weird problem"

Hi guys, i got a problem loading a movie. I have a movie called “index.swf” then it has a text button called “enter site” the idea is that when you press the “enter site” button it’ll load a movie called “main.swf” . Everything worked perfect when i tested it using flash, but when i tested the html files using the internet explorer, the movie loaded (main.swf) becomes BLUR. I think it may be a position (x:y) problem or something like that. But it’s only when i open the html file for my index movie.
The AS that i’m using for the text button to load the movie is:

on (release) {
loadMovie(“main.swf”, 0);

I can send the files to who wants to check it out.
Any help will be apprecited.

probably something wrong with your html code. did you use flash’s default template? (via publish html)

Yeah, i published and used the default-(html). But still there is the Blur problem.

hm ok dont really have an idea as to what’s wrong…sorry :frowning:
[size=1]if it works fine in flash it should work fine on the webpage[/size]

Thanks anyway for try to help.