i made flashs site … i followed the tutorial on this site …
it worked nicesly ,
but when i tried put preloading , the menu stopped loading the files , i did one by putting the preloading in scene 1 and the actuel movie in scene 2 , and i also tried the one on this site by putting it in the same scene…
can anyone help
, could you specify uour problem.
i habve just downloaded the file, tested the streaming of the movie (preloader) and everything worked fine.
the streaming worked fine , and loaded …
but try clicking on home , a movuie shoul apear on the right , and when the cursor is over the buttons it should make a blinking effect…
those are the problems “Loadmovie” and the button effect !!t
could you otherwise post all your swf in a zip file,
because i can’t test it or give me the full path where ur site is ex: http://www.mysite.com/images/myswf.swf
the url of the site is thapanther
but i advice you (if you don’t have a poopup stropper) don’t go there
i ave to lookfor a free hosting eith less popups :(.
what i altered was the preloader (it’s now a more easy one to understand) and the home swf load in fine.
i have a few question for you:
1.are you working in Flash MX?
2.why did you put your navigation (home, links,…) in a movieclip?
3. did you put a tweening in home.swf and bio.swf?