Loading Movieclip with buttons

Ok here goes. I am working on something @ work that has a scrolling menu that loads to a new level when an invisible button is in the over state. The menu loads and works perfectly by itself, including the buttons that are contained within the movie clip. If I try to load the swf into a different movie it works as it is supposed to until you rollover one of the buttons contained within the movieclip. It seems to start the clip over and over again when anything is in the over state. Either I’m confused or flash is confused by my archaic setup of this file. Too many layers? I doubt it but I just cant figure it out. Anybody have any quick solutions for me. I didn’t have time to drop all of the source files on my server before leaving work so those aren’t available to me until Monday. If nobody has any ideas I’ll repost Monday with the source. Any help is appreciated.

are you using _root by any chance

I’d assume you need a stop command if its looping uncontrolably