Heres the example: Three buttons have appeared “Pizza”, “Fish Finger Sandwich” and “Soup”. When the button for Pizza is pressed then a Pizza MovieClip appears and is then unloaded once the “Fish Finger Sandwich” button or “Soup” is selected. These buttons will be dynamic and run on XML, so the XML contains data that I want to correspond to a visual element (, Pizza.fla) in another allocated directory ( This means that if the XML creates a button that says “Recipe Title = Pie” then the will look for “” and then load all it’s attributes once clicked.
Is it possible to do this and how would I get the file to recognise and know just how many Recipe classes there are in the" directory?
Does this make sense, and does this mean I will need to have fla’s for each ‘Recipe’ MovieClip’s visual elements?
I’m pulling my hair out! If this is badly explained or something isn’t clear, please let me know.