I loved the tutorial on Loading Techniques. It was just what I was wanting to learn.
But as all good tutorials do, it left me wanting to do more. So, I have a question I hope someone can help me with.
**1. The tutorial shows how to use a button to start the external movie. But is there a way to add a “pause” or “stop” function & button to control the loaded movie? **
The SWF that I loaded into the target is an endless loop (an unfortunate function of the capture software used to generate it). So, I’d like to find a way to stop it. Ideally, I’d like to have it just stop after one cycle with a “stop” keyframe.
But a stop or pause button function of some sort would be fine (or a stop button that would actually just clear the stage maybe).
I figure there is not a way to control the loaded swf, since the movie isn’t imbedded into the flash movie. If that is the case, any suggestions?
I wish I could, but the 3rd party software that generatred the swf to which I am linking does not generate the FLA. So I can’t add a stop to it (or at least I don’t know how I could).
So, while I figured there weren’t many options, I just wanted to ask.
Ok, you can set a stop button. container_mc is the movie where the external swf is loaded into. Im assuming your placing this container_mc on your main movie.
No, I didn’t try that. But then again, I’ve no idea HOW to do that.
Does it matter that I don’t have a FLA for the SWF I want to use? The 3rd party software only generates the SWF.
I’d sure like give this a try if someone could point me to a tutorial or give me some direction on how to modify the tutorial I used (linked above) - I am still quite the n00b at Flash.
On your main movie, hit Ctrl+F8 to create a new movie clip.
Go to file/import and select the swf. Now the swf will be placed in the movie clip timeline. You can now set an stop action on the last frame of this movie clip.