Loading movies, real movies

okay so i know Flash can load external JPGs, and external MP3s…but what about video? can it load like quicktime .mov??? what other video formats can flash AUTOmatically load?!

I was going to post this exact same question. I have 2 mpegs and 2 .mov’s that I want to load into an emptyMovieClip.

so does anyone know the answer to my question? what video formats can flash load in to EmptyMovieClips?

I’ve searched forever it seems and it appears there are two options:

  1. convert the media (.mov) to .flv and that will work or
  2. create a new .swf that contains the .mov and call that .swf into your movieclip.

I was playing around with it and put a couple small videos that are in mpeg format on my “Movies” page if you want to see what it looks like. I don’t know how long they’ll be up because it doesn’t look too good the way it is.


ARGH…thats not going to work that well.i am making a product CD and like loading an LARGE swf file into an emptymovieclip LAGs the whole thing…i need a faster smoother way… >_<

I changed my code a little, instead of putting the code on a button, I just put it on frame 1 of that section(Movies in my case).

newsbtn1.onPress = function(){
createEmptyMovieClip("container", 0);
container._x = 120;
container._y = 200;
newsbtn2.onPress = function(){
createEmptyMovieClip("container", 0);
container._x = 80;
container._y = 120;
newsbtn3.onPress = function(){
createEmptyMovieClip("container", 0);
container._x = 130;
container._y = 220;

You could also put a preloader in this so you can see if it is in fact loading and how long it is taking. My biggest one was the dolphins.swf which is 608Kb and loads pretty quick.

Or you could just use my here post as a way to bump your topic so someone with more experience can jump in and help. :cool:

yeah iknow what you mean, but my vid file is 86 MEGs and i dont know how that works. since i only have 1 movie. maybe embedding that one movie in the actual fla might make it run better.