Loading PHP Data From Child swf

When I load my movie into my index.swf it doesn’t load my php data. When I run the movie alone, everything works fine. What am I missing? Is it possible to load the data from the index? Or am I just doing something wrong in the external swf

As for external movie


because when you use loadVariablesNum you are loading to levels. If you load to level 0 its not on the same level as your SWF. Try changing it to 1, if that doesnt’ work then try 2, etc etc etc…

or simply don’t load the variables in level but rather in a targetMC :slight_smile:

yeah that would be better still :stuck_out_tongue:


Thank you all, I can’t try this until I get home, but what you guys said makes perfect sense.

Thanks Again

eyez for some reason your solution did not work. by make the level 1, it did.

thanks all for the help, however i have moved on to a new problem. i want to have an mc saying loading, to preload the data. now i have followed claudio’s tutorials and other on loading textfiles. however since this is not a textfile, i ran into problems, and dont know where to go next. any ideas, links, tutes?

thanks again guys