Loading Screen then Movie

Hi everyone, I have a little problem with an animation i have made. It is too large to load on my webspace, it is only 612k but i’ve waited over half hour for it to load and it was still blank. I am on a 1Mb connection so its not my internet.

So what i thought was if it displays a loading screen while the loading screen preloads my movie. I have looked at preloaders and tried them and they have still not worked. I think i am doing something wrong.

Ideally i want a loader as a seperate flash file that has a loading bar and percentage as it loads my main movie, Then once it has loaded it goes into the main one.

Can anyone help me please? (I’ll probly get told to search the forum after just searching and people being told that loads of times) but i have searched and nothing is really any good to me.

Thanks in advance.