Loading slide menu

well i’ve done the slider tutorial, and it works fine…
Heres the link:

and so i’m loading it using loadmovie, but the thing is, when the file is loaded, the slide thing changes and doesnt’ really work properly. You can see in the file attached.

I’ve tried loading the one you can downloading, and one i’ve created myself, but they all turn out the same so does anyone know what the problem is? thx…

actually this should be both the files swf and fla…can anyone see whats worng plz thx :wink:

i believe the problem is not in sockloadtest.fla but in scrollingwindow.fla!! :stuck_out_tongue:
attach it too… :wink:

in the meantime, i get to guess… :stuck_out_tongue:
you used _root in your code. try using this/_parent instead of _root. :-\

actually the scrollingwindow fla is attached in the zip file! it hsould be atleast, and i will check the _root thing in the mean time :slight_smile:

it is not attached!! :stuck_out_tongue:

oh sorry whoops…
this should be it


ahh cool, i thought i tried that but it dind’t work! But why did you have to use ‘var’ ? And why did you use this.vel instead of var.vel?
Don’t you automatically state the variable even without the var?
anyways thx :slight_smile:

i just optimized the code a bit. there are still a few things i’d change, but i don’t have the time to do that right now. :wink:

and you’re welcome. =)

oh ok, but in this case the var and the this doesn’t really matter does it? just the _parent.mask thing am i correct?!

nope, not really. like i said… i just optimized it a bit. :stuck_out_tongue: