Loading trouble

i am having trouble getting a slide show type thing working when i load it into what would be the main page…if someone could look at the files and tell me if it will work or has some suggestions i would appreciate it thank you (teddy)

the main site would be the flashsite.fla.
the slideshow i am trying to load into it called slideshow2.swf
i will email them if anyone is intrested,they are to big to upload to the site

In Flash, go to File > New from template. Choose presentation, and then copy their example.

thank you for your help…but i not having trouble making a slide show…i have a swf file that doesn’t play correctly when i call it to the stage…it goes to the stage(the main or index) but then the scrolling actions don’t work…

there should be an example of what you want if you go into where you installed flash, just look around in some of the folders.

thanks again…but, the swf isn’t working properly once it gets loaded into the main movie…it does load where i want it to…it just doesn’t work properly once it gets there…and i don’t understand why?..thank you for your time

Send the file to <deleted address> and I’ll see what I can do.

(I think I know what your problem is. When you use variables, targets, etc, you need to use “_root”, because the loaded movie takes on the properties of it’s parent (the one you load it into), including paths.)

i sent it…thanks again