Loading Specific MC within External SWF

Hi Everyone,

Firstly can I apologise if I’m asking something completely obvious… it driving me crazy.

The Situation:

I have an swf called “branding.swf” which has a movieclip (movie_mc) and a button (save_btn)

Once you press save_btn it loads another swf “summary.swf” which also has a movieclip “form_mc”. Within “form_mc” there is another movieclip “loader_mc” and some dynamic text fields.

All this happens within a standalone exe “main.exe” and is loaded into "clips_mc)

Is it possible (surely it must be) to take the contents of movie_mc and display it within “loader_mc”.

Basically, I want to do a loadMovie but instead of calling “branding.swf” I want it to only load “movie_mc” which is within “branding_swf”

Does that make sense?