Ok, If anyone can help. In the Main.fla is a 700x800 stage. On frame 2 I put in actionscript
loadMovieNum(“banner_banner.swf”, 1);
the banner.swf is from another fla called banner.fla. In the banner.fla, I put in a preloader in the beginning which works fine in the banner.fla. The actionscript for the preloader is
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = _parent.getBytesLoaded();
total = _parent.getBytesTotal();
progress = Math.round((loaded/total)*100);
loaderInfo = Math.round(loaded/1000) + " k / " + Math.round(total/1000) + " k ";
if (loaded == total) {
The main problem is that when I load the banner.swf in the main.fla, the preloader doesnt work. it just has a quick “0/0” and thats it. Even if I put show stream.
Can anyone help this mess??
Thank you.I:-)