Loading swf sits at frame 0 for 50/60K!?

I have put my preloaders inside the swf files I am loading into the main movie, which works great, but I’m having a problem at frame 0…

when i test movie and view the bandwidth profiler and show streaming i see that before frame 1 even starts with the preloader the movie sits at frame 0 and buffers about 50/60 K before going to frame 1 and this happens on all my movies.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why that would happen? As a result before the preloader even shows the bytes loading i have a white screen (movie background colour) and then goes to frame 1…

Any suggestions would be really appreciated!

thanks :slight_smile:

Well I had a problem with that once and it turned out that I had a movie clip in my Library that had “export in first frame” under linkage.

just a thought, maybe you are doing the same. :slight_smile:

The only thing in my library which has linkage is my fonts, but if I take off the “export to frame 1” - it doesn’t seem to make any difference at all!

weird huh?

thanks for the suggestion anyhow :slight_smile: