Loading Swf

Hey guys, ok here’s my situation:
Right now I have a page with multiple swfs that load when different sections are clicked. The problem is, is that I want one of the swfs to load in my first preloader of the site, but not actually play it. Just want it to load it, and have it ready to go for later.

All help appreciated.

You could create an empty MovieClip, put it outside of the stage and load the SWF into it.

In ActionScript, that would be something like this:

// create MovieClip
this.createEmptyMovieClip("preloadSWF", 9876);
// move it outside of the stage
preloadSWF._x = Stage.width+100;
preloadSWF._y = Stage.height+100;
// load SWF

Any questions? =)

hrmmm, it didnt really work b/c it still takes time to load the swf when i click it (so it obviosuly didnt load it in the previous loader)

I dont see why you are trying to do dat. External files are external so ppl only have to load what they need. If you wanted everything to be loaded in the begining, maybe you could have used movie clips instead of external swf’s. Just my opinion.

*Originally posted by claudio *
**I dont see why you are trying to do dat. External files are external so ppl only have to load what they need. If you wanted everything to be loaded in the begining, maybe you could have used movie clips instead of external swf’s. Just my opinion.
:-\ **

I dont want everything to be loaded in the beginning, just two of the seven swfs.