The site:
Ok, I thought this site was done, but turns out that some people are having troubles viewing the images (nothing happens when you click on the thumbnails). At first I thought it was compatibility issues, but then I noticed it happened on my computer too!!! This is very strange because it works sometimes, and other times it doesn’t. Before I try exporting everything to flash 6 I’d like to see if anyone here can help.
I having a feeling that it has something to do with the code loading swf’s from inside of two different movie clips. The code was originally made for the main timeline, but because of the style of navigation I ended up splitting it in two - and now the same code lies in two different mcs. *still with me?
Each MC holds 30 thumbnails that call on the swfs. Check out the site link above to see how it works… or doesn’t work. Keep refreshing and trying to load the images again if you want to see how it messes up (it just doesn’t do anything)Here’s the code that is in the two mcs:
// your button is in fact a movie clip with 3 frames
// frame 1 is normal state
// frame 2 is over state
// frame 3 is visited state
// name your buttons button1, button2, button3 and so on...
total = 60;
// number of buttons
movies_array = ["pic1.swf", "pic2.swf", "pic3.swf", "pic4.swf", "pic5.swf", "pic6.swf", "pic7swf", "pic8swf", "pic9.swf", "pic10.swf", "pic11.swf", "pic12.swf", "pic13.swf", "pic14.swf", "pic15.swf", "pic16.swf", "pic17.swf", "pic18.swf", "pic19.swf", "pic20.swf", "pic21.swf", "pic22.swf", "pic23.swf", "pic24.swf", "pic25.swf", "pic26.swf", "pic27.swf", "pic28.swf", "pic29.swf", "pic30.swf", "pic31.swf", "pic32.swf", "pic33.swf", "pic34.swf", "pic35.swf", "pic36.swf", "pic37swf", "pic38swf", "pic39.swf", "pic40.swf", "pic41.swf", "pic42.swf", "pic43.swf", "pic44.swf", "pic45.swf", "pic46.swf", "pic47.swf", "pic48.swf", "pic49.swf", "pic50.swf", "pic51.swf", "pic52.swf", "pic53.swf", "pic54.swf", "pic55.swf", "pic56.swf", "pic57.swf", "pic58.swf", "pic59.swf", "pic60.swf"];
// array containing the movies
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
for (var i = 1; i<=total; i++) {
if (this["button"+i]._currentframe != 3) {
if (this["button"+i].hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) {
} else {
for (var i = 1; i<=total; i++) {
this["button"+i].temp = i;
this["button"+i].onPress = function() {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "pic"+this.temp;
loadMovieNum(movies_array[this.temp-1], 100);
} else if (_root.currMovie != "pic"+this.temp) {
if (_level100._currentframe>=_level100.midframe) {
_root.currMovie = "pic"+this.temp;;
I’ve tried only having 30 swfs in each but that didn’t work either. If anyone can help me with this I will be soooo very much excited!!! Ten smilies for the flasher who fixes this!