hi just ran into a problem loading a swf into a masterpage(called target)
and from the loaded swf, loading another swf back into the masterpage.
cheers in advance to anyone who can help
hi just ran into a problem loading a swf into a masterpage(called target)
and from the loaded swf, loading another swf back into the masterpage.
cheers in advance to anyone who can help
don’t put .fla in your folder name. it’s screwing up the directory targeting.
I am confused. You seem to be mixing files here. The box.swf that you are loading into target does not correspond to the box.fla you provided.
Regardless, when you use loadMovie multiple times but specify the same target then the new swf will replace the old swf every time. If you don’t want to replace then you need to load into a different target.
Hope that helps.
How do you load into another target? if all targets are one masterpage, and buttons are in different swf’s?
Same way. use loadMovie, specify your target and any variables. For example, if you are loading into a movie clip called target1 on the main file then it doesn’t matter where your button is - on the main file, on an externally loaded swf, or on an external swf loaded into another external swf (e.g. buried deep). Since target1 is on the main fla then the code on any button will always be
loadMovie("myexternal.swf", _root.target) //and I think you had GET in there too
If you want to load another external swf into the same target then use the same code just change the name of the swf you are loading and it will replace what was there before.
If you want to load into another target (e.g. target2) then put it wherever you want and just make sure you get the right path to it in your loadMovie syntax.
Does that help any? :hr:
try making your button AS for box:
on (release) {
loadMovie(“box2.swf”, _parent.targetone, “GET”);
cheers guys ill have a play,
thanks again
so B, if i parent the target, i just got it working but it would unload, target1 before loading a different file into target2. basically i have about ten levels, each level may or may not affect the target area, of another.
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