Loading SWF's in the Temporary Files

:slight_smile: Hi, I have a full flash site, and some of the SWF files of my site are updated almost daily, and my problem is that when someone visits my site the SWF file is storaged in the Internet Explorer’s cache, and if that person comes back to the site the next day, he or she gets the old version of the swf file storaged in his computer and not the new one that has been updated.

So I would like to know how can I do so that the SWF files doesn’t get storaged in the temporary files? Or what can I do so that each time someone comes to my site, he gets the new version of the SWF files? What code may I use? :q:


I’ve been putting these META tags in the HTML file that contains your flash movie:

<META content=General name=programming>
<META content=no-cache http-equiv=pragma>

It works for me. I have some sites that require updating and the updates go through. Another good way to make sure it’s working is if you have a preloader. A cached Flash movie will have no need to preload.
Hope that helps!

there’s a technote about that… :stuck_out_tongue:

how to prevent caching of swf files [size=1]<-- link[/size]