Loading swfs to frames in main timeline (consecutively)?

Hi everyone :dog: ,

Please bear with me as I try to explain this–I can tell that this isn’t going to be very hard to do, but it’s just way beyond my abilities. :*(

I have about 30 very simple external swfs–basically one image with tweened fades and rollover-to-pause/rollout-to-resume actions–they’re loaded onto the main timeline one after another as a slideshow. There are no buttons for next/previous control; each image needs to load one after another.

At first, I set it up so that at the end of each external swf, I call the action to load the next swf. This was working fine until I realized I needed to show a “place marker” (“5 of 30”) on the slideshow.

Because I need to show graphically which image is showing (i.e., “5 of 30” shown as 5 of 30 dots filled in), I figured it would be easiest if I designate 1 frame per image (=one swf) on the main timeline. So, frame 1 will load 1.swf, frame 2 will load 2.swf, which will make it easy for me to color in the appropriate dots according to where we are in the slideshow.

What I think I need to figure out is to “pause” at each of the frames on the main timeline until the loaded swf is done playing. They’re all different in length–some are 50 frames and some are 90 frames long.

I almost had it figured out from massive googling, but I honestly don’t understand it well enough to tweak what I’ve found to do what I want it to do.

Also, if there is a way that I can easily make the “place marker” work without changing the way it’s set up at the moment, that would be even more awesome!

I really appreciate your help–thank you so much for looking! :smiley:

I hope my post makes sense! I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thank you so much in advance! :smiley: