Loading swfs via Dynamic Content

Hi all :slight_smile:

Iā€™m on the verge of finishing a long job and ive hit a wall :expressionless:

I have 5 swfs which load into target symbol. Easy enough.
All works fine on the crtl-enter test movie buuuuut when
i hit ctrl-enter again to simulate download it all goes horribly
wrong. It again loads in the correct swf but it seems to just load
in random parts of that swf. ie 2 buttons from a frame which has 5 buttons on it
and a pic that is after the button frame appears even tho a stop action has been placed
before it. 4 of the 5 swfs are ok this is just happening in 1 instance. Anyway its just weird. Iā€™m a missing something important re. loading dynamic
content? Any help would be fantastic.