Loading text + html link into flash btns from XML

Hi Flash people!

I am doing a Flash header where button text and links has to be easily configured by the owner, so i’m thinking the smartest way is to load button text + link from an xml file.

There will be 7 horizontal buttons. The name of the button will be loaded into a dynamic textfield i guess, but what about the link?

Im fairly sure it’s possible to make an animated button and load an html link into it’s Actionscript… but how?

My XML would look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><buttonsDanish>
<forside name= "Forside" url= "http://www.whatever.biz" />
<kurv name= "Kurv" url= "http://www.whatever.biz" />
<afslutkøb name= "Afslut Køb" url= "http://www.whatever.biz" />
<nyheder name= "Nyheder" url= "http://www.whatever.biz" />
<tilbud name= "Tilbud" url= "http://www.whatever.biz" />
<vilkår name= "Vilkår" url= "http://www.whatever.biz" />
<kontakt name= "Kontakt" url= "http://www.whatever.biz" />

How to load this into separate buttons?

I really hope you can help me out

Thank you in advance