how do I load the first page of my flash site into a target?
how do I load the first page of my flash site into a target?
this is the method ive used to target all of the other .swf’s but i’ve got a problem with the first being displayed every time a button is clicked, it only displays whilst the page is loading though
look here,
this is what I posted earlier about the same subject
can you help?
Okay, I know what you did. That page with the message at the bottom that says ‘please wait, your page will load…etc.’ is your background. The reason you see that is because when you load a swf into a movieClip (mc) that has a swf loaded in it already, it will automatically unload that swf. It unloads it before the new swf is loaded in. This is why you see that page underneath.
Suggestion: Move everything to frame (2) in your main movie to remove that page underneath that says the message. Basically, make sure there’s nothing underneath.
I dont really understand what your trying to tell me freddy?
what does it unload before the new swf is loaded?
ive been trying to solve this for ages, is there anywhere I can upload my .fla (its big) so you could take a proper look?
Yeah, unless you can upload it to a server somewhere, you can email it to me at
I’ll take a look.
hey freddy, ive sent you the email with the .fla file in, its 4mb!
is that ok?
any help is appreciated!
Id also like to state that this is my first flash project and I am inexperienced in flash so dont be to technical in your explanation!lol!
thank you VERYmuch
p.s. If I were american, living in CA id vote you for govenor!!:)hehe
I didn’t get your email because 4MB is too big for yahoo. Send it to - bigger mailbox.
If I were american, living in CA id vote you for govenor!!hehe
I’m flattered that you would choose me over Arnold Shwarzenegger!!
So Freddy, you’re saying that if I followed that tut for loading into target…just created a blank MC and loaded swf’s into it for each “page”, then if I wanted to on the index page perhaps load my mp3 player as a seperate swf, I couldn’t do it? It would unload my main_content that would normally be displayed on the index page?
I don’t think I understand your question. I know your site (because we’re working on it, right?) and I’m guessing you mean index page by the splash page with the enter button. If you have an mp3 player on that page, and then hit enter, your mp3 player will stop and then the other one will start up again. Is that what you mean? I’m a little lost…sorry.
sorry for the late reply, ive been away for the weekend,
I’'l send it to your email tomorrow when I get home thanks for the help!
p.s. that was someone else that sent you a post about mp3’s i wont be putting it on my site!cheers:bandit:
p.s. that was someone else that sent you a post about mp3’s i wont be putting it on my site!cheers:bandit:
I know…I was talking about…nice bandit…
hey freddy,
i’ve sent the flash file to you,
feeling a bit dazed(heavy weekend)
neways hope you can help and that it wont give you half the sleepless nights ive had over it!
p.s. arnold swartzenegger, PAH, can he help me with flash, i doubt it!!
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