Navigation freakout!

theres a problem with some of the pages on my flash site,

the first page and button is fine and should display a preloader, then when the next enter button has been clicked it goes back to the first page for a moment while the next page is loading,

i want it to go straight to the next page and not display the first page, has anyone got any ideas?

the site is and all the links after the first one do this wierd thing!!


Use just one level to load all your movies!

I havent actually specified a level for all my movies to be loaded onto, is this a problem?

Where do u load them?
Just use the same level or MC

whats the mc?

i know im dumb!!

they are all indipendant .swf’s
they all load into a target i used the tutorial ‘full flash site’ on kirupa and used this method

in this it doesn’t state anything about levels?


make them load into the same target.
(MC == Movie Clip)

i think they do, i gave the target the instance name contents(like in the tute) and the code tells them to load into this?

is there another way I could load the swf’s? because this is a problem for me as the site looks bad!;(

But that intro(the ‘faulty’ part) has not been loaded in that target, is it?