loadMovie causes flash of background

Greetings. I’m working on a simple FLA to fade in an image over the top of the previous image. The problem is that when the image is loaded, there is a short flash of the background before the image fades in. I added a second layer of movieclips underneath my main layer and I’m loading the previous image under the upcoming image that’s fading in, but I’m still seeing the background flash between images.

The effect I’m looking for is to have image1 on the screen and have image2 smoothly fade in over the top of image1. Image1 should stay on the screen and simply get covered up by image2.

Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA.

[FONT=Arial]//.....instantiate variables
picNumber = 0; //count variable used to loop through the imageList array

//image list array is just a list of individual image files
imageList = ["images/1image1.jpg", "images/1image2.jpg", "images/1image3.jpg"];

//load an image from the list to start

//load function for the mc_pic1 movieclip
function picLoad() {
    _root.loaded = false;
    mc_pic1._alpha = 0;
    _root.alpha = true;
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
        //boolean variable to establish if the movie mc_pic1 is loaded
        if (_root.loaded) {
        //alpha fade image           
            if (_root.alpha == true && mc_pic1._alpha<100) {
                //fade in amount
                mc_pic1._alpha += 5;
            }/* else if (_root.alpha == false && mc_pic1._alpha>0) {
                mc_pic1._alpha -= 5;

//auto play function using setInterval...
function autoImage() {
    if (picNumber>=imageList.length-1) {
        picNumber = 0;
    } else {
    if (picNumber == 0) {
        picNumber2 = imageList.length-1;
    } else {
        picNumber2 = picNumber-1;


autoInterval = setInterval(autoImage, 3000);[/FONT]