I made a movie with eight sections (with a grey background) and eight buttons on the bottom. When a buttong is clicked, the corresponding movie.swf is loaded by levels. When another button is clicked, the current movie unloads, and the new one loads. When it is placed on the internet, the transaction between the unloading and loading, it flashes white (when switching from lvl 0 to 0). Is there a way to not see the white? I selected a grey background in modify movie and that still does not work.
the fla would help on this one. Are you loading and unloading into an empty mc? What is the color of the background of your empty mc? If it was imported, it would take the bg color of the original movie, maybe that is why it is flashing white. However, Im not even close to being sure about that.
Assuming you’re using flash5 (i don’t know about mx) there’s no fix for this - but there are a few workarounds including
Load into a MC instance off stage then adjust _x _y
Use 2 MC as holders one on stage, one off stage. Load into the holder that’s off stage (you can determine this by referencing the _X) then swap _x of both clips