loadMovie function drama's

if anyone can help me here i would greatly appreciate it.
Okay, this may seem 2 simple, but I am having problems on a Mac.

I am trying to load an external swf into a mc on my stage. The problem is:
on swf load, it refreshes the whole main.swf which contains the mc. Once the new swf is cached, there are no problems though.
The mc (container1) is on it’s own level. The buttons code is;

on (rollOver) {
_root.scroller.xpos = 300;
_root.arrow1.ypos = 320;
on (release) {
loadMovie(“flash/corporate.swf”, “_root.container1”);
tellTarget (title) {

Should i load it into a level , and if so how can I determine the xpos and ypos?
Any suggestions? Thanks!!!:frowning: :frowning:

If you want to load it into a level you can make the loaded movie the same
dimensions [w, h] as the original movie and then just use the LM command.

    loadMovieNum("Name.swf", 1);


    rn = Math.random(999999);
    loadMovieNum("Name.swf?reload = rn", 1);

To control the movie you can use _level.


Then again I may have read your post wrong and be confusing you, lol.

Aussies are gonna take over these forums! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, I have a different understanding of the post, not sure if I full understand though, but first things first, tellTarget is dead.

With dot syntax you can do a tellTarget thing easier

on (rollOver) {
_root.scroller.xpos = 300;
_root.arrow1.ypos = 320;
on (release) {

Next up is the issue of your movie refreshing. Hmm, this sounds to me like you aren’t putting a preloader on your loaded movie.

This is causes a blank area to show up until the movie loaded. I recommend using a preloader and seeing what happens. There are about 3 or 4 tutorials on kirupa.com on how to make one (DO NO USE THE PRELOADER COMPONENT).

Unless of course I misunderstood.

Thanks Guys, i will try your method LOSTINBETA, seems to be the problem.
i do have a preloader on the loading swf, but will review it in a sec.

Thaks again!.=)

:crazy: Thanks again, the new function works better, I also resolved a conflict with the preloaders on the loading swf’s.

Thank you!8]