loadMovie replacing?

Hi there

Just a couple of simple questions:

does the loadMovie command also replace the existing swf in the target movieclip, or is this just the case with loadMovieNum?

for loadMovieNum, it says in the reference that I have to specify a level. now, what’s a level?

(flash beginner:-)

thanks in advance, best regards | dave

Welcome to a great Flash forum, soulscope. You are in the right place there are a lot of great knowledgeable people here…anyway see if this tutorial helps you understand:


You are correct about loadMovie. Everytime you load something into a target it replaces whatever was there.

You can consider levels to be like a stack of items. The _root is the main timeline of a file. It is also considered to be level 0. Anything loaded into level 0 will replace what you’ve got on the _root level, so I would recommend not doing that. When you load into a level higher than 0 you are stacking items. Kind of like layering.

There are limitations to levels. You can read more about it here:

flash limits


wow… this really is a great forum! many thanks for your help!! :}

another question while Im at it: (I dont find this in the book I have)

can I use loadMovie only when a button is pressed or also when a certain frame is reached?

(when the page is loaded there is the first external movie in the frame, and then you can replace it by pressing the buttons)

You can use loadMovie whenever you want - with any sort of trigger - onEnterFrame, onClipEvent(load), on(release), at the end of a tween, etc. Flash is pretty versatile.


:} thanks!

Your welcome :smiley:

okay and the last dumb question from me: :h:

I have a preloader in scene 2 of my flash movie, but it seems that the movie is preloading bevor its displayed. while its loading the screen is white… it is not a browser setting though… Im confused (even more than usualy…)

does anyone know this problem?

ugh scenes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: best not to use them. better to use external swfs or movie clips. if you are already in too deep . . . hmmm . . . don’t know what to tell you. Flash loads everything as soon as you launch it so that’s probably why the preloader isn’t happenning. Better to have preloaders on external swfs then when you call them in with loadMovie the preloader will show first.

Hope you find the answer!


p.s. there are no dumb questions - it’s all learning :slight_smile:

What’s in scene 1??


in scene 1 you can choose the language. then it goes to the preloader in scene 2. I already was in too deep, but I found the answer:

I was loading the swf directly into an iframe. now that the movie is in a seperate html document wich is the source of the iframe, the preloader is working…

thanks for your answers everyone! you helped me a lot!!