Loadmovie into blank Movieclip

I am building a web site using flash where I load external movies (swf’s) into a single blank movieclip on my main timeline.

The buttons (three of them) to load the external movies are also on my main timeline. I am using the loadmovie action using “target” and the instance name of my blank movieclip.

When I click the first button, the first movie loads in correctly. The problem is that when I load any movie after the first it seems to “pop” back to my main timeline for a second before loading the new movie.
Any help would be much appreciated…



You have to have 3 empty movieclips as well.
If you load in the first movie into the empty mc, and then load another into it. It will reset the first one and only show the new one.

Thanks, I’ll give that a try… But if I have 3 seperate movie clips, the swf’s I’m loading in won’t replace each other…


sorry i thought that was the problem hehe.

The problem is that when they do replace each other it goes to a background image I have on the main timeline for a second before loading the new movie.

Thanks for your help anyway…
