Problem with loadMovie()

Hi Guys,

I have a problem. I have an empty MovieClip on the stage in the _root position. My main movie plays the animation and stops when it reaches the end. When a user clicks on the menus the external swf files load in the empty MovieClip on the stage.

The problem is that when i click on another menu item, the current swf file unloads and the new one starts loading. How do i make it so that the new swf file loads and when it is done loading, the existing movie unloads. The New swf files also load in the same mc. Is there any way out of this. I tried using the CreateEmptyMovieClip() method but what happens with that is then the levels get messed up. If I click on a menu item that was previously clicked, it does not load the movie on top of the latest one.


you should create an empty movie clip for each page, then alternate ._visible = true/false

unloadingMCs is only really necessary if they are processor intensive… in my “I just made that up” opinion

[QUOTE=randomagain;2350075]you should create an empty movie clip for each page, then alternate ._visible = true/false

unloadingMCs is only really necessary if they are processor intensive… in my “I just made that up” opinion[/QUOTE]

true, what you say about changing the visibility of the mc’s but if I change the visibility of the mc, then the animation within that mc would not play. Also, it will not load the mc on top of the latest one, it would just change the visibility of the mc in that level. So if i click on say Products mc and then click on about us. I can hide the products mc, but when i click on products again, then the visibility will toggle from true to false, but it will not load the mc on top of about us.

you make aboutus**._visible = false** then don’t you

ie when you click a button, make everyother MC invisible and the one you click on visible

[QUOTE=randomagain;2350079]you make aboutus**._visible = false** then don’t you

ie when you click a button, make everyother MC invisible and the one you click on visible[/QUOTE]

OK… i know what your saying, but my problem is a little different. i have a bunch of swf files which I want to load into a movie clip when a button targetting that swf file is clicked right.

So for example I have buttons for About Us, Products, Services, Contact Us.

I load the main movie, the movie plays and stops when it reaches the end. I click on About Us, the About us movie plays its animation and ends. Then I click on services. The Services swf needs to load on top of the About Us page. The page should not turn blank and then the services page loads into the movieclip.

well use loadClip and when it is finished loading, switch ._visible then

geez don’t act like its rocket science