loadMovie med delay...?

hey all…

Im making a flash projekt with a “as” folder and a “fla” folder… and in the root the index.fla are placed.

in the “fla” folder all my fla’s are placed. Im going to load them into the scene [FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]through the index.as from the “as” folder…[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]my index.as [FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]contains:[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]//loading swfer

[FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]and that works… :smiley: [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]but if a willl load my (“fla/logo.swf”) which the same code (and change the level) the logo are loding first, because its teen times smaller than the (“fla/bg.swf”)…:look: … by the way I have preloader in all the swf’s[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]In the (“fla/bg.swf”) there is a animation from frame 1 to 10… and I will load the (“fla/logo.swf”) when the (“fla/bg.swf”) hit frame 10…[/SIZE][/FONT]

instead of placing the code (createEmptyMovieClip…) in frame 10 of the (“fla/bg.swf”), I will place it in the index.as file… but HOW…:q:

I [FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]guess the it will look like:
[FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]//loading swfer

loaded = function (){
if (“fla/bg.swf” loaded){

[FONT=VERDANA][SIZE=2]:huh: ??? [/SIZE][/FONT]
or how do I make a delay of loading the swf’s…?